My 2024 Media Diet

What I watched, read, and listened to last year.

I've been a regular tracker of the movies & shows I watch, the podcasts & albums I listen to, and the books & comics I read. I primarily do this to ensure I feel good about the time I spent the year before, and to use the results to "tune" the following year in case I veered too far towards a particular medium (I'm looking at you, TV!).

I track my media diet on this Notion database. Here's a screenshot that shows all of 2024, which split across these main categories:

  • Books (physical books, audiobooks, e-books, and graphic novels): 7
  • Movies: 31
  • Television (seasons, mini-series, one-off specials, documentaries): 27
  • Music (new albums): 1

Like most recent years, I've been leaning more-heavy into watching television and movies, while books have taken a sharp decline. I think music is underrepresented — I did actively listen to new music last year with my new Apple Music family subscription, but more individual songs vs. whole albums.

My 2024 media diet.