My New Job

If not sharing this news before now has made me seem obscure, please don’t take it personally. Lately I’ve been both too busy & tired to breathe, let alone communicate much to anyone. However, as of the Friday before last, I am no longer employed at Dell. Yesterday, I started my new job at FPX in the role of Business Analyst and UI/UX Process Owner.
Dell was a great place to work, and its size and diversity provide numerous career paths. However, I wasn’t able one that fulfilled my ultimate ambitions, which include evolving my resume beyond traditional ERP systems and picking up UX/UI skill sets. At FPX, I’ve found these:
- I will get exposure to through the implementation of FPX’s Configure Price Quote (CPQ) product that extends SFDC’s Opportunity module in complex & interesting ways. This will alleviate the stale over-emphasis of PeopleSoft CRM on my resume.
- By working with CPQ, I will get much-needed exposure to some great technologies, including Java, cloud-computing, and web services.
- The company seeks to improve user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) improvements, both on behalf of its customers and to support the natural evolution of the CPQ product. It’s a prime opportunity for me to jump into the deep end and immerse myself in these concepts.
- FPX is a small company, less than 100 people. Before working at Perot/Dell (~150K employees), I worked at Apex IT (55 employees), and I’ve come to prefer the smaller companies and their greater focus.
This week, I’m in Minnesota getting ramped up at the company’s birthplace and development home office. After that, I’ll be back in the Metroplex long-term, working either at the FPX Dallas office (south of Addison) or from home. In other words, it’s business as usual (e.g. just as flexible as Dell). From time-to-time, I will need to travel, which would be the exception, not the norm. With FPX being a cloud-computing company and already with a distributed workforce, having boots on the ground for extended periods of time just doesn’t make sense.
I’m sorry to no longer be working with my Dell teammates. Despite the stress of long-term enterprise projects and company drama, the people I worked with were amazing, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dell to my friends and family. I had a great 7 year run at both Dell and Perot Systems, but the opportunities that FPX offers are too good to pass up. I’m beyond excited for this new job and its potential impact on my career!