U.S. Treasury Savings Bond

Here’s the first of many surprises I’d forgotten interning within my time capsule.
In the summer of 1992, as I headed to college after graduating high school, my brother’s godmother gifted me an United States Treasury savings bond.
Specifically it was a Series EE note, designed to fully-mature after 30 years, which ironically was “checks notes” now in 2022. So much time has passed that the Treasury Department no longer issues these in paper form, so I now own my first antique!

The item itself was in rough shape, having taken liquid damage like many other of its neighboring time capsule contents. Despite the wear-and-tear, it remains legible — and redeemable!
The bond was originally purchased for $25. Per the Consumer Price Index inflation calculator (assuming you trust it), $25 in July 1992 has the same buying power as $51.16 today. Series EE bonds were designed to be redeemable at twice the purchase amount, so I was guaranteed at least $50. But according to the Treasury Department, the bond performed well, and has accumulated enough interest to make the total redeemable value exceed $100! It’s not often that one beats inflation…thanks, Biden!
If I had been smart, I would have placed more than just one savings bond in my time capsule. However, my graduation from UNT with an art degree & history minor tells you everything about my intelligence.
At least drinks are on me!