Make a Wish #12
I've learned that people will forget what you said...
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Make a Wish #11
Make a Wish #10
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter...
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
Make a Wish #8
I wish for more Cinnamon Life.
The Elevator Repairman Ghost of UNT's Bruce Hall
Bruce Hall is the oldest dormitory at the University of North Texas. Opened in February 1947 as a residence hall, it has persisted in its original function longer than any other dorm, including numerous ones that were built afterwards. It stands out from many of its neighbors, with its pitched
I'm Speaking at Ignite Dallas 4
I’m honored to be speaking at Ignite Dallas 4 this upcoming July 14, in conjunction with the Big Design Conference. I’ll be speaking about my wife Jenn’s chronic disease and how we turn it to our advantage. Get your tickets here, and follow Ignite Dallas on Twitter.
Make A Wish #7
The iPad edition this time around!
Yes, This is What I Looked Like in High School
Don’t be hatin’ my Air Bo Jacksons! But you can say whatever the hell you want about my pegged jeans. Here’s the full set, which were recently posted on Facebook by an old high-school friend: Seniors ’92, bitches! Hat Tip: Lea Griffin Mattson
Looking for a KVM Switch
I’m attempting to set up my home office to share my monitor/keyboard/mouse between two computers. The monitor in question is an Apple Widescreen Display that has a DVI-I cable. The USB keyboard and mouse are also Apple-branded devices. Computer #1 is our PowerMac G5 tower, which has
Everyone Chill the Fuck Out
Hat Tip: @markramsey
Make a Wish #6
My little man sure does love his pizza! And capturing this screenshot was quite serendipitous — literally as the screen flashed during the screenshot, the clock rolled to 11:12am.
Tangled Legacy
I’m pretty sure that my wife will find this amusing! Hat tip: Quirky Geeky
Make a Wish #5
My little pooch Cali!