Time Capsule
Flyer from Corey Mickels’ funeral (1978-1997)
A little about my former next-door neighbor and his tragic loss.
Time Capsule
A little about my former next-door neighbor and his tragic loss.
Bruce Hall
I was behind the Bruce front desk, with my back to the Bowling Alley and my nose buried in the building’s maintenance log. I finished up my work for the evening and closed the log. Turning around, I was taken aback by the steady stream of people walking left
Bruce Hall
Last March, I had breakfast with an old friend. While our conversation rambled, we got onto the subject of our college lives and realized we’d both been resident assistants (RAs) at one point. Somehow, I got around to telling the following story. All RAs at the University of North
Bruce Hall
Love is just the new natural selection…! Simon Ennis was a cool cat, solely responsible for my enduring nickname, “The Worst R.A. in Bruce Hall.” Whenever I watch Gilligan’s Island or ponder the mental state of squirrels, I think of him. While an R.A. at Bruce Hall,
Bruce Hall
Back during my Bruce Hall years, the University of North Texas was undergoing several growth spurts, the most-prominent of which was the football program’s jump to Division IA (now known as Division I). As part of that push, UNT redid their logos and colors in an attempt to rebuild
Bruce Hall
Back in the spring of 1997, as part of Bruce Hall‘s 50th anniversary celebration, I drew a giant-sized poster that depicted some of the crazy stories I’d experienced during my four years there. The poster was later framed and kept behind the front desk. I’m not sure
Bruce Hall
Some of these are memories of my time in UNT’s Bruce Hall, while others are facts I’ve remembered from the years: 1. I was the only person (I know of) to nearly hold every position in Bruce Hall: fire buddy, wing representative, RHA Representative, Vice President, President, Resident
Bruce Hall
Below may be evidence of the most-glorious day of my life: the day I walked onto a stage and played lead guitar in a rock-and-roll band. By “stage”, I mean “corner of the Bruce Hall lobby.” And “played lead guitar” is admittedly misleading. To be frank, I was rocking a
Bruce Hall
Image credit: Dalboz17 Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I deviated from my regular Food Nazism and purchased some Golden Grahams. Kind of like how you take pride in the sheer number of years since you last threw up, it dawned on me that over a decade had passed since I last
Bruce Hall
There was a knock on my room door. It was Reece. “Want to go with me to donate plasma?” he asked. Being that kind of college kid who hadn’t yet learned to think things through, I said, “Sure.” I put down my bowl of ramen, slapped on my Birkenstocks,
Bruce Hall
Bruce Hall is the oldest dormitory at the University of North Texas. Opened in February 1947 as a residence hall, it has persisted in its original function longer than any other dorm, including numerous ones that were built afterwards. It stands out from many of its neighbors, with its pitched
Bruce Hall
Each incarnation of “Ma Bruce” was there to enforce the strict and sometimes unfair morals which society demanded of women. These included obedience, respect for authority, and above all, no hanky-panky with men anywhere in the building. Violations guaranteed a trip to the dreaded Dean of Women, who legend says
Bruce Hall
On a scorching day in August 1992, I was sitting with my mother on a stout concrete wall outside of Bruce Hall, waiting for the building to open and move into my home away from home for the first time. I wasn’t alone outside, as quite a number of